What to say

There are times when the screen stays resolutely blank.

Take for instance this weekend just past. I was fully intending to bash out a first draft plan for 'the new novel', but I didn't get anywhere at all. I wrote nothing, had very few insightful thoughts and generally bummed around in a most unproductive manner.

I did manage to re-read Head, a novel I wrote an alarmingly long time ago. Having corrected some of the more obvious typos and tweaked some of the more clunky dialogue, I have now sent this off to Agent Phil (not mine, sadly), who kindly (but foolishly) asked to read more of my stuff. It will be interesting to see what he makes of it. I also read all the short stories in the big blog story project, which was a nice distraction. I took the dogs for some long walks and I mowed the lawn.

But I didn't do any plotting.

Do I feel bad about this? A little, perhaps. But it will happen, I'm sure. My brain just needs time to fulminate away on its own for a bit more.

In the meantime, here's a picture of a cat.


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