
There's a lot of people out there who think my winky's not working like it should do. For a small fee they offer all manner of products and techniques to enhance it. Now I know they have the best of intentions, so I haven't the heart to tell them that no, actually, I don't need any help thankyou very much.

Sometimes, though, I wonder if they shouldn't look to their own inadequacies before trying to help me with mine. Take one of today's missives, for example:

New tadalafil softtabs, thay last longer and have

less sideeffects

World wide delivery

No prescription needed

Private online ordering!!

Well, I'm sure they're very nice, but am I really going to be swayed by the email subject line:

Dissolve within ten minutes!

I can usually last a little longer than that without dissolving, thankyou very much.


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