Brain dead

I don't know if I'm coming down with some bug, I've eaten something I shouldn't have, or I'm just in a slump, but today's been a slow day. My head feels like I'm about to get a headache - not quite enough to make me want to lie down somewhere dark and quiet, but enough to make it a struggle to think coherently about one thing for any length of time. So I've spent the day so far ditting from one thing to another.

The short story is coming along, slowly. It's not the story I wanted to tell anymore, and I can't decide whether it's any good or not, such is the porridge-like state of my cognitive faculties right now. But I should get it finished this weekend (rather than last weekend, which is what I had hoped). It hasn't been the distraction it was meant to be.

I had a bit of a brain-storming session about Benfro book four and now my whiteboard is covered in a series of illegible questions, rather than the 'intentionally blank' that was scrawled across the top from my last attempt. It's not a plot plan, but I'm beginning to see one emerging from the fog. Who knows, sometime soon I might get back into the swing of things. As the great management guru always said: in order to find the solution, you've first got to understand the problem. At least I think he did. Otherwise it's just me making up wise-sounding epithets again.

Blogger has been a source of continued irritation this week. I have a blogroll of sorts to the right of this column, and I try to visit them all whenever they've got something new to say. Mostly, however, blogger won't let me in, or won't let me comment, or eats my comments and belches like a teenager. Vincent tried to leave his pearls of wisdom here yesterday and was thwarted by an ill-tempered word verification demon, so I've switched that off. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the first spam to arrive. I'm seriously considering moving the whole thing to my website. I know blogger's free, but that excuse only goes so far.

On the plus side I've been enjoying Lynn Viehl's first SF novel 'Stardoc' - I had to go out and buy it after she very kindly sent me a copy of the latest in the series, 'Rebel Ice'. I've waded through so much poorly-written and poorly conceived SF in recent years I'd forgotten just how much fun it could be when it's done properly.

And with that random thought I will wind up this rambling post. Here's a picture I took yesterday morning - sometimes there are compensations to living in the middle of nowhere.

That's the moon, that is.


Sandra Ruttan said…
Sorry to tell you, we have the Spinetingler review site hosted on the Spinetingler website, and we had trouble with it as well.

And also with Stuart's.
Stuart MacBride said…
Everyone has trouble with Stuarts. They're nothing but hassle if you don't polish them right.

And the word thing wasn't just you James, it was pretty much everywhere, and always the same bloody word too.
I found someone had come to my blog looking that same bloody word: 'smenita' and when I tracked back their Google search, there were hundreds of Blog postings complaining about it.

Which I was irritated about. All those people making me out to be just another predictable comformist complaining about Blogger problems. Damn their eyes.

No comments and no spam yet though as far as I can tell. Well, unless you count this lot.

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