Ways to go

OK, ok. I'm late with the meme. So sue me, I've been away.

Yesterday I went on a pilgrimage to Roslin. Not, I hasten to add, to Rosslyn Chapel (now £1m richer thanks to that nice Mr Brown*), but 17 Main Street, Roslin - where I used to live. They've put double glazing in since I sold up six years ago - something I was too cheap to do. And the Masonic Lodge around the back seems to have closed down. At least, the sign's no longer on the wall.

The Horse Doctor and I lived in Roslin for five years, whilst she was at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Science (otherwise known as the Dick Vet) just South of Edinburgh finding out what goes on inside horses. Since her meeting was at the Dick Vet yesterday. I took the opportunity to revisit old haunts whilst she was being nice to those people from Defra with the big chequebooks. I went for a stroll in Roslin Glen (without dogs, which was a bit of a waste), stared at Roslin Castle for awhile, then sat in the car and typed my fifteen hundred words for the day. Nobody recognised me, so I've probably been away long enough now.

Meeting over, we headed into town to visit friends, and at no time during the day did I have access to the internet. Thus no blog, and no making snide comments on other people's. Today's been a difficult day too, with the small matter of a funeral. When I die, if anyone notices, I want there to be singing and dancing, merriment and debauchery. I think I'll specify in my will that there be strippers and comedians and anyone turning up in a dark suit will be pelted with custard pies. Perhaps it's because no-one really close has died in awhile, but the whole incapacitated with grief thing just doesn't work for me. Sure, I'm sad, and I feel sorry for the family left behind, but I'd really like my last memory of Mike to be us chatting over a simple lunch, not some grim seventies concrete building in the bad end of Dunfermline, woeful organ music and a coffin only partially obscured by velvet curtains as it descends silently into the furnace room.

Still, I will most likely disappear, and no-one will know if I'm dead or not. You can have the party anyway.

You scored as Eaten. Your death will be death by wild animals. You will probably get eaten by a bear or shark something because you don't know the natural safety precautions and are ignorant.

Natural Causes








Cut Throat

















How Will You Die??
created with QuizFarm.com

* Dan, not Gordon. He prefers to take your money away.


Sandra Ruttan said…
I'm sorry James. Being eaten by a bear is a messy affair.
JamesO said…
You probably already know the joke, Sandra. Serious hikers in the Rockies tie little bells to their sticks - the noise warns bears that they are coming and scares them away. You can tell what sort of bear has been in the area by it's shit: Brown Bears eat a lot of fruit and so their shit is full of berry seeds and stones; Grizzly Bear shit is full of broken stick splinters and little bells.
Sandra Ruttan said…
Unfortunately, I know too much about idiots who don't take proper precautions with bears. Liard Hot Springs is humming, tons of people about, plenty of noise and has been the site of some of the most vicious bear attacks - in crowds, no less. We kept our eyes wide open when we were there. In part it is the socialization of bears - they get accustomed to people stopping on the side of the road and taking their picture and then they lose a lot of that fear.

And I have to dispute the joke on another level - black bears are actually more vicious than grizzlies. I mean, a grizzly can kill you, no question, but people mistakenly think black bears aren't as dangerous, and they're more likely to attack under the right conditions.

See why people die? They believe the lie in the joke. Damn comedians. Its all fun and games until someone gets eaten...
I'm going to commit suicide. Probably by walking into a remote place in the Scottish (or Welsh, if James can point out a nice spot to me) wilderness and there take some poison.
Stuart MacBride said…
"merriment and debauchery"

Worry not James, soon as you die, I'll be there.


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