The Culprit Revealed!

Following on from Wednesday's* bathroom bin shenanigans, the culprit has been unmasked. Shovelling shit off the lawn** this morning, I came across a large pile palely glinting in the weak Welsh sunshine. Closer (but not too close) inspection revealed a mass of fine white plastic shavings, masticated but undigested.

There is no obvious scale to this picture, but having cleared a mountain of pooh from the lawn over the years, I am qualified to say that this was the deposit of a dachshund. Besides, cats prefer to bury theirs in the vegetable patch.

I don't doubt that she knocked the bin over in the first place, though. Trying to get the dachshund into trouble again. That's girls for you.

* I'd make a link to it, but blogger won't let me in right now. It's only two posts back anyway.
** sounds like the title of a song to me.


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