Comforting things
There's not much that's more comforting than making bread; bringing together the simplest of ingredients into something tasty and wholesome. I particularly like sourdough breads, made with a natural yeast culture from leaving a little flour and water paste on the windowsill awhile. I had a really good culture going for a while, but one morning I stupidly put the whole lot into the dough mix, forgetting to reserve some for the next batch. Duh!
I've been meaning to make more bread for ages now, but never seemed to get around to it - something to do with the week it takes to get that starter culture going, perhaps. Or maybe I've just been too busy and preoccupied to remember the therapeutic value of kneading.
Whatever the reason, I've started making bread again. Long may this culture last.

Next time: The Perils of Cheese.
I've been meaning to make more bread for ages now, but never seemed to get around to it - something to do with the week it takes to get that starter culture going, perhaps. Or maybe I've just been too busy and preoccupied to remember the therapeutic value of kneading.
Whatever the reason, I've started making bread again. Long may this culture last.

Next time: The Perils of Cheese.
I still have nightmares from last time - and that was just from looking at it!