What the hell happened to Friday?

It's gone. Finished. Never to be seen again.

I was going to blog about cars going wrong, houses not happening, writing coming in fits and starts and any other old rubbish I could think of. Now I'm going to have to think of something else to write.

And Saturday's nearly finished too. Eek.

On the other hand Agent Phil (sadly not mine but Stuart's) has emailed me promising to read my novel over the weekend. Hooray!

Mind you, if he hasn't then he's going in the back of the car with the hairy dog blanket on Wednesday.

Right, enough of this bollocks. I've got a section of Sir Benfro to write before suppertime.


Anonymous said…
Which novel is he reading?
JamesO said…
An epic SF tale which started life as the short story Comfort Farm and which then morphed into something called Abundance. Only time will tell if it was a good choice to send him, but it was the most recent thing I'd written at the time and he offered to read just the one...

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