It's coming back

My enthusiasm, that is.

Maybe its a spring thing. Last year I spent the darkest hours of winter in Melbourne and Sydney (which I can recommend to anyone as a cure for SAD), so perhaps my maudlin ramblings of late have just been the post-Christmas blues working their way through my system.

Anyway, the joys of spring are beginning to show. The fields are full of lambs, running around and playing 'let's go and beat up someone's mum'; the frogs have taken a vow of chastity, but the ponds are now black with wriggling tadpole bodies; the red kites have started their mating games; and I've started noticing the absurd in everyday objects again.

Now I'm not quite back to my old frivolous self yet, but give it time. And watch this space for any signs of a return to jollity.


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