Reclaim the days

Sing loudly through the morning. Play the guitar without fear of causing offence (well, only a little). Shout heartily at the dogs when they run out and bark at the farm workers. Make noise, make noise.

Jason, the Night Lamber, has gone!

He should have been here until Thursday, but the SPAR pre-cooked chicken he insisted on eating for supper every night has finally caught up with him. After spending yesterday talking on the great white telephone, he finally gave in and returned to London, where apparently they have these newfangled things called Doctors, and Chemists. Personally I don't think they'll ever catch on.

So I can make noise again. My home is no longer a tiptoe and whisper place. And I don't have to get up at six o'clock in the morning to cook a huge fry-up.

Now what am I going to do with that mound of bacon and sausages?


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