I simply haven't got a thing to wear...

Following on from Mr Stuart's comments regarding my trousers, I find myself faced with something of a dilemma.

In just over a week's time, I am heading up to Aberdeen - the first such trip in too many years - to attend the launch of a much-anticipated new book (and to act as chauffeur to the author, but that's another story). Now whilst this random collection of whitterings hovers on the fringes of a collection of more serious literary blogs, I am not yet a published author myself, nor even a pre-published author. Consequently I haven't had the need to consider what aspect of my persona I should like my public to see.

To put it bluntly, I'm a total scruffbag. My current ensemble consists of a loose-fitting pair of cotton trousers in a humorous multi-tartan pattern (sometimes referred to as pyjamas), an off-white T-shirt commemorating the Aberdeen University Archery Club Legoland Tour of '93-'94 and a pair of mismatched socks (we won't go into nether garments here, in case those of a nervous disposition are reading). Earlier I was wearing a thick jumper made from native Balwen wool and knitted for me by Barbara, but the weather has improved enough for me to take that off, at least for now. Day to day, this, or some similar combination, is my standard uniform. Since I work at home I have no need for anything more sophisticated, and quite frankly this is me - dressing up any other way would be putting on some kind of mask.

So what is the dilemma, I hear you ask. Well, I have in front of me an invitation to the aforementioned book launch and it clearly says 'Drinks and Canapes', which suggests to me a certain level of, if not sartorial elegance, then at least tidiness. I don't want to lower the tone of Stuart's special evening, but I simply haven't got a thing to wear.

I could put on a shirt and tie, but I'd still look like someone's dad's just died and all his clothes have been redistributed amongst the needy homeless. I don't scrub up well (if you don't believe me, ask Stuart for photos from his wedding, where I performed vital ushering and rubber-chicken duties), and no matter how carefully I try to trim my beard, it still attracts nesting birds at this time of year.

So suggestions please, dear readers. What should I wear to the ball?

And now I'm off to put that jumper back on. T-shirt in Wales in April? What was I thinking?

humorous aside - just ran the spellchecker over this and it tried to change 'Drinks and Canapes' to 'Drinks and Cannabis' - I didn't know Rickards was coming...


Stuart MacBride said…
Don’t sell yourself short James: “chauffeur to the author” my fuzzy behind – you’re much more than that! You’re friend and confidant, and co-conspirator... and it'll be "chauffeur to the author, his wife and his agent too."

You see, it’s MUCH more showbiz when you put it like that!


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