Well, that's that then

December limps out the door, battered and bleeding from the severe kicking it's received. Another year dies, a new one takes its first breath and screams at the world.

Will I miss '05? Will I look back on it fondly and say 'ah, I remember when...'? Probably. I'm that kind of person. Half of me lives in the past, the other half in the future. As master Yoda would say: 'never his mind on where he is now.' And then he'd poke me with his walking stick. Smart cookie that Yoda fellow, even if he does talk like his words are being translated by a machine, twice.

I'd do a review of the year, but frankly it'd bore the pants off you. Some good things happened, some shit got spread around. On balance, probably less shit than good things, so I can't really complain.

I suppose I should resolve to do something in 2006. There's many things I could try - writing a novel, for instance. Or running a marathon. I can't give up smoking because I don't smoke, and I can't give up alcohol because where's the fun in that? I could resolve to spend less money on useless gadgets and toys, but I've pretty much grown out of that anyway - the last gadget I bought was my digital camera, back in January, and that's been really useful (ok, technically I already had a digital camera, but it's old and the batteries run down too fast. This one's much cuter). Best not to make any resolutions at all (or at least not tell anyone about them). That way I can't be berated for not keeping them.

So that's how it ends, not with a bang but a wimple. Blwyddyn newydd dda i chi pawb! And I'll see you all on the other side.


Sandra Ruttan said…
I think people should set attainable resolutions.

Pledge to drink more. Then you can have an overwhelming sense of success.
JamesO said…
I don't know. On the one hand you say people should set attainable resolutions. On the other you say drink more. These two statements conflict, at least from where I'm swaying.

But I'm definitely getting an overwhelming sense of something;}#
Sandra Ruttan said…
Come on - everyone can drink more. Drink more water, juice, coffee, tea...

Dehydration isn't your friend!

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