Taking off my glasses...
...and rubbing my eyes to try and get some of the tiredness out of them, the tree canopy across the yard from where I am sitting has a patch in it that looks just like a giant green man's head, about fifteen feet high. As the wind rustles the leaves, it writhes and moans in silent agony. Or perhaps it's bellowing in rage as it tries to escape from its woody prison.
Oddly enough, it's in exactly the same place that my spectral, blurry reflection appears in the double-glazed window after dark, staring at me with silent accusations of time-wasting and indolence.
I've forgotten to take my pills again, haven't I?

Oddly enough, it's in exactly the same place that my spectral, blurry reflection appears in the double-glazed window after dark, staring at me with silent accusations of time-wasting and indolence.
I've forgotten to take my pills again, haven't I?

It's a carving of a green man - an early English mythological man of the forest and favoured pagan symbol. There are hundreds of them carved into the decorations on the inside of Roslin Chapel.
Was he eaten by a green man?
It's all fine for him not to blog next week, when we're at Harrogate, but this week? That's just laziness!
(Seriously, hope things are okay. And I thought you might be interested in this:
Mindy, by the time you start seeing green men, it's too late to stop drinking;}#
Gabriele, I don't think DB's ever let the truth get in the way of a story.