Auto summary meme

Which I caught from Simon Haynes. Those sneaky Australians, spreading their strange mind-germs around the place. G'day Skippy.

Here's how it works. Take a novel you've written, or your current work in progress. Or anything else creative that you've done in Word (this works from v97 and on, apparently). Go into the tools menu, then Autosummarize. Pick 'create a new document,' and '100 words or less.' Then post the results in your blog.

Well, it saves thinking of anything to write. Here's what I've come up with for Inspector McLean book two, currently called 'The Book of Souls.'

McLean paused. 'Detective Inspector Tony McLean. 'Detective Inspector Tony McLean. McLean didn't answer. McLean asked.
McLean paused before answering. 'Detective Inspector McLean. 'McLean?'
McLean grinned. 'Never mind, McLean. 'Inspector McLean? McLean asked.
McLean sighed. McLean didn't answer that. 'DI McLean.' 'Inspector McLean?' McLean stood up.
McLean asked.
McLean laughed. McLean frowned. It's Tony McLean. McLean smiled. McLean's heart sank. McLean suppressed a shudder. McLean was surprised. McLean asked.
McLean asked.
'Inspector McLean?'
McLean raised an eyebrow. McLean nodded his understanding. McLean asked.
McLean asked.
McLean considered the question. Cadwallader looked at McLean. 'Sir.

I'm not sure what it means, but it's a bit of harmless fun.


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