F&*$!!*ing Cat!

I seem to have caught Mr Stuart's disease.

But I digress. This blog isn't about swearing, it's about life with a Maine Coon Cat. Maine Coons are the Dachshunds of the cat world - slightly stupid, less than graceful and very amusing to watch. You'd never be able to make a perpetual motion machine strapping a buttered slice of toast to a Maine Coon cat's back.

Buddug (pronounced Bithig - and spelled that way by my mum, which is very annoying - Welsh for Boadicea, or Victoria if you believe the English dictionary) has been sharing our house for nearly three years now, which means she's not quite grown up - more of a stroppy teenager, I suppose. Generally she's easy-going, comes and goes as she pleases, curls up to sleep on a rocking chair in front of the fire like the cliche kitten she is. During the day she has taken to sleeping on the top of the sofa/bunkbed that dominates my study and which is more often than not piled high with all manner of junk. Every so often she'll jump down, clamber onto my lap and hhhhhhertsglp with the typing. Just like a cat, in many respects, only more fluffy and more prone to falling off things in an amusing manner.

But not today. Today she thought it would be a good idea to piss on a stack of comics that were piled on the sofa.

Bastard. I haven't even read some of them yet.

It wasn't even as if she was subtle about the whole thing either. She walked in, caterwauling as usual, leapt onto the sofa and hunkered down right in front of me to do her business. Big mistake, but then like I said, Maine Coons are stupid. It's going to be a while before she's allowed back in the house again, let alone upstairs into my study. I've battled wills with cats before; I'm not going to be beaten by this one.

At least the comics were in plastic bags, though they weren't sealed up, so several of them are beyond reading. They did stop most of the piss from getting to the sofa. But I'm going to have to take the cover off and wash it.


she's not normally this manky - she'd just come in from sitting out in the rain getting wet.
It's a Maine Coon thing


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