I feel an impending sense of panic and doom. Decisions which wouldn't normally trouble my consciousness now have me staring, unmoving, at the wall for hours. Should I walk the dogs now, or spend the morning doing something more profitable and then take them out after lunch? What should I be doing that is more profitable? Should I read the stack of comics that arrived whilst I was away, or should I put them away for now and read them when things are a bit hectic? Should I take a picture of my office and post it on my blog, or should I get on with some real work?

Perhaps I should spend some time playing around with the formatting and make this blog all pretty to look at. Or maybe I would be better off just taking the dogs for a walk after all.
Things will get better. At least I know that much about my neuropathy. It usually builds up to a head over the course of a week or two, then I will suddenly find that I have started doing the thing that was most important and all the other tasks have lined themselves up neatly behind in some semblance of military order. Either that or I will have slipped over the edge into a true slough of despond.
Well, I was going to explain why things are so bad at the moment, but you're probably not interested and I really ought to be spending my time more wisely. Maybe when I've actually achieved something I will allow myself another blog. These things have to be rationed like sweeties, otherwise they take over your life.

Perhaps I should spend some time playing around with the formatting and make this blog all pretty to look at. Or maybe I would be better off just taking the dogs for a walk after all.
Things will get better. At least I know that much about my neuropathy. It usually builds up to a head over the course of a week or two, then I will suddenly find that I have started doing the thing that was most important and all the other tasks have lined themselves up neatly behind in some semblance of military order. Either that or I will have slipped over the edge into a true slough of despond.
Well, I was going to explain why things are so bad at the moment, but you're probably not interested and I really ought to be spending my time more wisely. Maybe when I've actually achieved something I will allow myself another blog. These things have to be rationed like sweeties, otherwise they take over your life.