I'm off

Anyone who's looked at the comments on Mr Stuart's blog will know by now that I'm going skiing. In the Canadian Rockies. Fernie, Kimberley, Panorama, Sunshine. Hoorah!

Now those of you who have an environmental conscience will doutbless curse my name to the four winds (increasing, of course, due to global warming) for adding to the CO2 output and generally buggering up the world by travelling internationally in a smelly old 747. To them I say, pooh. I don't care. I want a holiday and I come from the me generation. Instant gratification is my right. Or something.

On the upside, I won't be near a computer for two weeks, which means you won't have to read my inane witterings.

Unless I can find a computer out in the mountains and I've nothing better to do ;}#


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