I don't know which is more strange

That there should be exactly one hundred grapes in the mixed red and white bunch I washed and cut up for this week's fruit salad, or that I noticed.

Or that it's the most interesting thing I can think of to blog about today.


Stuart MacBride said…
Jesus, and they say I need to get out more...
Anonymous said…
Say, you aren't still sick are you?
JamesO said…
Only in the head, norby. And there's no cure for that.

But seriously - you're picking grapes off a bunch to wash and chop up into a fruit salad. What else can you do but count them as you go?
Anonymous said…
I think the stress of buying your new house has officially gotten to you.

Did the package really promise you one hundred grapes?
JamesO said…
No, not at all. Hence the surprise.

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